Heide Park Resort is the largest theme park and short trip adventure.

Experience more than 30 attractions especially for children under 6 and get the ultimate adrenaline rush on the big roller coasters ‘Flight of the Demons’ and ‘Kraken’.

Children immerse themselves in the unique theme world around DreamWorks ‘How to Train Your Dragon’: they meet Toothless and become real junior dragon trainers. Courageous ghost busters aged 6 and above experience an interactive indoor adventure of the 5th dimension in ‘Ghostbusters 5D – the ultimate Ghost Hunt’.

Too much adventure for one day? Stay the night! Discover that the Heide Park Adventure Hotel is much more than just a hotel and be wowed by the interactive theme rooms. Or experience our holiday oasis at the Holiday Camp and benefit from the all-inclusive package.

Tel. 01806 919101
(€ 0.20 on the landline,
max. € 0.60 by mobile phone/per call)


Wochentag Öffnungszeiten
Montag 10:00 - 19:00
Dienstag 10:00 - 19:00
Mittwoch 10:00 - 19:00
Donnerstag 10:00 - 19:00
Freitag 10:00 - 19:00
Samstag 10:00 - 19:00
Sonntag 10:00 - 19:00

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Heide Park 1, 29614 Soltau



Bus connection to Heide Park Resort from Bahnhof Soltau (Han) and Hamburger ZOB

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Weitere Tipps in der Nähe

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ca. 4,0 km entfernt

Soltau Thermal Baths

Mühlenweg 17, 29614 Soltau

Compose your very own mixture for a short break at Soltau Thermal Baths!

PublicSwimmingPool Thermal bath

ca. 9,7 km entfernt

HeidekreisTour - der gesamte Verlauf


14:08 h 665 hm 683 hm 212,6 km very easy

Cycling trail

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Am Safaripark 1, 29693 Hodenhagen

Safari Adventure on more than 220 hectares! You will encounter 1,500 wild and exotic animals – some of them at close range. And you can have plenty of fun at more than 40 fun rides and breathtaking shows.

AmusementPark Playground Zoo

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Ebbinger Straße 1a, 29664 Walsrode

Candles have always had a special significance for people.

Civic Structure Home and Construction Business

Weltvogelpark Walsrode

Am Vogelpark, 29699 Walsrode

This adventure will give you wings! You will come across 4,000 birds from 650 species and all continents and will have the opportunity to take part in many of the attractions at the Weltvogelpark Walsrode (World’s Bird Park).

AmusementPark Playground Zoo

FloraFarm Ginseng

Bockhorn 1, 29664 Walsrode OT Bockhorn

The only ginseng gardens in Europe at FloraFarm are open to the public from May to September.


Ralf Schumacher Kartcenter

Horstfeld 5, 29646 Bispingen

The Sports-and-Business Center of the former F1 and DTM pilot Ralf Schumacher offers one of the most modern and most beautiful in- and outdoor kart tracks in Europe.

BowlingAlley Racetrack

Soltau Thermal Baths

Mühlenweg 17, 29614 Soltau

Compose your very own mixture for a short break at Soltau Thermal Baths!

PublicSwimmingPool Thermal bath

Golf Club Tietlingen e.V.

Tietlingen 6c, 29664 Walsrode OT Tietlingen

One of the most beautiful golf courses in Northern Germany welcomes you in Tietlingen.

Golf Course

Kirch Café Meinerdingen

Dorfallee 16, 29664 Walsrode OT Meinerdingen

Cafe Or Coffee Shop

Böhme schafft Kunst

Im gesamten Stadtgebiet verteilt, 29683 Bad Fallingbostel

Ein Kunst- und Kulturband in Bad Fallingbostel

Landmark Or Historical Building Sculpture

Waldbad Bomlitz

Hans-Böckler-Straße 36, 29699 Walsrode OT Bomlitz

Idyllisch in einem Laub- und Mischwald gelegen bietet das beheizte Bad auf über 40.000 qm Schwimmer-, Nichtschwimmerbereich und Kleinkindbereich.


Buhl Activity-Park

Am Vogelpark 2b, 29699 Walsrode

With 6 climbing courses Buhl-Activity Climbing Forest Walsrode offers climbing adventure for the whole family.

High rope course


Visselhöveder Straße 5, 29683 Bad Fallingbostel OT Dorfmark

Oldtimer-Treckermuseum Dorfmark


Strandbad Düshorn

Rehrweg 60, 29664 Walsrode OT Düshorn

Baggersee mit einer Schwimmfläche von 38.400 qm und 300 m langem Sandstrand.



Soltauer Straße 26, 29683 Bad Fallingbostel

Das solarbeheizte Lieth-Freibad liegt im Böhmetal am Rand eines beeindruckenden Buchenwaldes.


Weetmüller‘s Hof-Café

Nordkampen Nr. 44, 29664 Walsrode OT Nordkampen

"Weetmüller‘s Hof-Café" ist jeweils am Samstag sowie an Sonn- und Feiertagen ganzjährig ab 14.00 Uhr geöffnet. Lediglich über die Weihnachtsfeiertage und zum Jahreswechsel (Silvester und Neujahr) ist das Cafe‘ geschlossen. Für Gesellschaften ab 10 Personen gibt es an den Wochenenden verschiedene Frühstücksangebote. 

Vegetarian, Regional, Mediterranean, German

Cafe Or Coffee Shop


Kasernenstraße 2, 27313 Dörverden-Barme

Erlebe unsere Wölfe



Lange Straße 29, 29664 Walsrode

Königssaal im Amtsgericht Walsrode

Landmark Or Historical Building

Schulmuseum Klein Eilstorf

Klein Eilstorf 4a, 29664 Walsrode OT Klein Eilstorf

Die Klein Eilstorfer Museums Schule


Straußenhof Heidekreis

Vierde 4, 29683 Bad Fallingbostel OT Vierde

Die Straußenfarm in der südlichen Lüneburger Heide

Direct marketer Zoo

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